Corporate Identity

Neutrality + Protection
Korea Internet Neutral eXchange
A compass is based on KINX’s CI to represent searching and seeking the right path. It reflects the main goal of KINX, which is being a leader in the Internet infra industry. Color of our logo, green and black, represents reliability and stability. This means that our business aims to provide neutral and reasonable Internet infra services.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Annual contribution
KINX grants scholarship for local students who need a support for their goal. KINX grant is not limited to scholarship but reimburse for clinic fees or other fees depending on the student’s circumstance. KINX organized annual scholarship with Nambu District Office of Education Seoul and Community Chest of Korea.
Matching grant birthday donation
KINX employees receive birthday gift every year. KINX contributes the same amount of money that employees receive. If the birthday employee chose to donate his/her gift, KINX also donate on top of the donated birthday gift. Donation from KINX goes to the Save the Children.
Volunteer Campaign
KINX participates Save the Children’s making hats for newborns, volunteering for the vulnerable for warmer winter, and more campaigns to contribute to our community.